Wearing kittie yiyi's head gear, I want it! XD
There were a lot of bloggers joining, I love attending events as I can see all those familiar faces and we take selfie together! Routine that never change!
(pic credit: http://www.kittieyiyi.blogspot.com/)
Stole pic from Kittie's blog, picture of all the bloggers!
from top left: Daphne, Lumi, Careen, Chanwon, Povy, Stephanie, Melissa, Kittie, Jessica and lastly yours truly!
With this super sweet and talkative girl, Chanwon!
Haha! I love talking with her because she's very innocent and pure! XD
Please get your car asap so we can meet up in kl always! XD
Lumi, the forever JPop girl! I love her fashion sense and she's very photogenic! X)
Also the newly-married friend, Daphne Froggy, a very elegant lady! Congrats to her! X)
Stephanie and Melissa
This is the only pic I got with Melissa T.T
Thanks for the awesome event! :D
Sexy lady, Stephanie X)
Pressie exchange time~
I'm lucky I've got the gift from Stephanie, thank you! *love*
There're a lot of gifts on that day, not only pressie from bloggers.
Also this super yummy macaroons from Twenty First Qi Pastries!
I personally think their macaroons are comparable to that of TWG's, but these are lighter.
I like it so much!
Also, gift from Vanity Trove!
Full! I can't even place all into the box! XD
Do you know that you can customize your own VT beauty box now?
I've blogged about it before, you can read it here.
Or you can log onto https://www.vanitytrove.com/my/shop/vanitytrove-box to get your VT box now! :D
Oh yeah, you can get discount by quote "SantaB15" ;)
We were so crazy about something on that day, it was Mr Jack from Wow Photobooth! He came to our party and let us take endless pictures! Seriously we took a lot more than you could imagine! Now you know how much we love Mr Jack! XDD
Wow Photobooth can even fit into 10 bloggers of us lol
Thanks Wow Photobooth for the amazing pictures!
What makes me think that Wowbooth is great, is because of the photo qualities, which taken by DSLR *love*
Now you can get Mr Jack to attend your party too!
I've got RM500 e-voucher giveaway exclusively for my followers on Instagram! *wink*
Take the most humorous picture and hashtag #wowsome and #santachenelle,
upload it on your Instagram (make sure it's public k)!
Easy right?
I will pick one lucky winner and announce it before CNY!
HURRY UP! Mr Jack is waiting for you! XDD
All props were prepared by Wow Photobooth!
The sexy and forever-friendly lady, Careen!
Sweetie Povy, she didn't get pressie from the exchange session! XD
Luckily she still got other gifts!
The youngest (I assumed) girl, Jessica! X)
She was my team member of Maxis event hehe!
Thanks for the picture!
Not to forget, this pattern queen! XDD
I love every pictures of hers! So fashionable yet funny! haha!
I also pattern pattern with her haha!
Do participate the WOW Photobooth's giveaway!
Happy New Year again! :D
For more information, visit

What's your opinion?