Maxis 4G Bloggers Blaze

Challenges are fun, especially when it is group activities and we have to fight for the victory together! Last weekend, joining Maxis 4G Bloggers Blaze for the very first time with Nuffnangers, it was a huge event and what I can tell is it was awesome and a fruitful day! We gathered at The Curve early in the morning, I slept for two hours only before the day! D: I heard it's gonna be very extreme and Ben, the emcee told me to be prepared to "get wet" and makeup ruined! O-M-G, pray that it would be fun XDD

Wearing the same heart of tee together with princess povy *love*

The event started with emcee, Ben and maxis representatives giving instructions to all the participated bloggers. The challenges will be taken place in several places within Klang Valley, and all the bloggers will be split into a group of four. There will be two winning teams, with the completion of challenges in the shortest time. The grand prizes for first winning team are Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Maxis LTE mobile phone, each of every one! Second winning team will be iPad mini and Maxis LTE mobile phone. The winning teams get to experience the LTE mobile phone at first hand! So tempting huh?

We got to drive around by the vehicles provided and also given a smartphone with maxis LTE data, required to use the phone throughout the challenges. Before that, the first challenge is to search for the right balloon for the right bar code. Trust me, it needs luck.

Each person from each team has given 20 seconds, 
my team has taken turn for several rounds.

Here we heading to our second challenge! The location shown was Mad Monkeyz, Wangsa Maju. I had no idea what is that about, my team mates told me it's rock climbing! (O-M-G again). Hell No! I've never climbed in my life and to be honest I have height phobia as well. Not sure if I can handle it. @@

 My team members after the rock climbing experience, Team Puma!
Epal, Joshua, yours truly and Jessica

Actually I was very scared of rock climbing, but when it was my turn, I was able to make it for the whole round! Thanks God I trained sometimes, when I had to swing over to reach another part of the wall, I was about to give up, my arms were out of strength and I couldn't really feel my arms. I told myself that I can do it, then I made it! Wow! Found another new interest, rock climbing is kinda fun and challenging after all. XDD

 It's not so high but I think for most of us it's the first time experience.

The hardest part! 
I climbed 3 times for my team mates but at last we exceeded time,
so have to get penalty of 20minutes added into our time.
I am glad that I had fun tho!

The second challenge point is at Sunway theme park. 

 Being around with bloggers no matter gender, we like selca so much! haha!

Before proceeding to the next challenge, 
there is a mini challenge, where we have to play a race by our phone provided one by one. 

So what is our challenge for this time? We knew it earlier coz #maxis4gbloggersblaze keep updating on Instagram lol. It was go-kart, another favorite of mine! 

I tried go-kart once in Cyberjaya, it was fine and I think it would be good if it's the real race car! XDD

 I am the driver and Jessica is my passenger hehe

Candid shot
I like it! We looked enjoyed in this photo!

The final challenge of the day! We returned to the gather point and we knew it was watermelon eating competition. So this is the "wet part" they meant huh? Turned out we were the last team to finish the watermelon, I didn't exactly eat it XDD

 Joshua, yours truly, Epal are trying hard to finish the watermelon!

In the end of the challenge, winning teams are Team Stallion and Team Leopard, bravo!

Thank you maxis and Nuffnag for the opportunity! :)

With pretty blogger, Bobostephanie 

With another pretty blogger, Ashley

With pretty bloggers!

For more information, visit 

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